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ECE 188A


General Conditions for the Supply and Erection of Plant and Machinery for Import and Export.

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General Conditions for import and export transactions for industrial equipment where the supplier has undertaken to install the equipment at the purchaser’s premises. The conditions were drawn up by a group of experts within the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The conditions date from 1957 but may still be used in rare cases in international transactions. However, the conditions are not complete and need to be supplemented by the parties in important parts. The easiest way to do this is to use the document of supplementary and amending conditions prepared by Teknikföretagen et al. The content of this addendum has been taken from NLM 10. However, due to differences in the structure of the two conditions, significant differences remain between ECE 188 A and NLM 10. A later addendum has not been prepared since ECE 188 A - at least for European trade - has been replaced by the more modern conditions Orgalime SI 14.

English. In German with addendum from 2003. Modernized addenda in English and German will not be issued.

Addendum of 2010 (English)
Addendum of 2003 (German)